Frequently asked questions.

What is John F. Barnes Myofascial Release?

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a technique designed to work with the body, on the body’s own terms. It is a safe, gentle, patient approach that allows for real, lasting change to take place in the body.

Myo refers to muscle.

Fascia refers to the connective tissue that runs continuously throughout the body, giving structure and support to everything under the skin from blood vessel and nerves, to organs, bones, and muscles.

MFR focuses on stretching and softening the fascia within and around the muscle. And because all fascia is connected, this focus has a global effect on the body. By focusing on a restriction in the hip, you can alleviate pain in the neck/shoulder area, the diaphragm, and/or the knee. Often times, where you are experiencing the pain is not the area of the body that needs treatment.

What should I expect during an MFR session?

A quick standing visual analysis will be done at the beginning of each session. This allows us to see structural misalignments, and helps us to get an overall picture, as well as a place to start.

In order for fascia to release we must be patient. An MFR hold can last anywhere from 3-5 minutes or longer, depending on how long the area has been restricted. During the hold you may experience feeling a number of sensations such as a stretching, releasing, burning, “tearing”, and deep relaxation. Your body may want to move or shake, and memories or feelings may arise. This is all possible and all normal during a session.

What do I wear?

Bring or wear loose fitting shorts and a sports bra (as appropriate) to your appointment. You will remained dressed during your session and lay on top of the treatment table. A blanket will be provided for warmth if necessary.

Do not use oils or lotions on the day of treatment.

When do I choose MFR over Massage?

These 2 types of bodywork are completely different. Each has benefit.

Massage is for when you have sore muscles. It can be great in alleviating muscle soreness from a workout or a day in the yard. It also helps with relaxing and destressing from your day.

MFR is for when you feel restricted in your body, when you have reoccurring pain, or pain that no one has been able to help with. When you’ve been to the chiropractor, the PT, the doctor, the massage therapist, and you are still in pain. When you feel a band across your chest or a feeling of being trapped in your body.