Our Services


Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic Massage requires not only the knowledge of a combination of advanced techniques, but also the ability to apply them effectively. This is why, depending on your needs, each session will vary with pressure and applied technique.

Techniques used range from traditional Swedish massage strokes to deep tissue work. In addition to that, range of motion work, stretching, trigger point work, myofascial release, and more will be incorporated. 

30 Minutes / $70

60 Minutes / $95

90 Minutes / $130

120 Minutes / $170


Arvigo® Therapy

These set of techniques help to restore the body to its natural balance by correcting the position of organs that have shifted and restrict the flow of blood, lymph, nerve, and chi energy. This work is beneficial for women dealing with any reproductive or digestive issues such as constipation, prolapse, painful periods, fertility challenges and more.

30 Minutes / $75

Initial Visit
120 Minutes / $205

Follow Up
60 Minutes / $115


Touch For Health

If you look at the name Touch For Health, it is just what it says it is. Touch for Health…the use of Touch to promote Health. This holistic approach identifies imbalances in your body's own energy system and uses touch as a way to stimulate, or sedate those energies, so that balance is restored.

Touch is used to activate the body’s ability to come into homeostasis and heal. 

Muscle testing is one of the main techniques used to identify what needs to be addressed during a TFH session. This is a method of biofeedback. It’s your body’s way of saying yes or no. It’s a safe, effective, and profound way of communicating with the body. By communicating to the body in this way, we are able to quickly identify an issue, and help bring balance to the whole body:  structural, biochemical, and mental/emotional, as well as the spiritual dimensions. 

60 Minutes / $115

90 Minutes / $150

Deep Tissue Massage

The techniques used during a deep tissue massage are typically applied with little to no oil or lotion, and require a slower, deeper, and more sustained pressure than a traditional Swedish massage. 

Deep tissue massage is great for relieving pain, chronic tightness, and patterns of holding.

By targeting an area, your therapist will slow down and really focus on getting to the underlying restrictions that may be the cause of your pain. Before deep pressure is applied, a variety of strokes will be used to assess the state and receptiveness of your body. Deep tissue does not mean aggressive or painful application of force, deep tissue is not aggressive. It IS deep and at times the application feels very intense. Your therapist will not go into a tense muscle before it’s ready.  There is a difference between good pain and bad pain, and deep tissue should “hurt so good”... not “hurt so bad”.  

Communication between the client and therapist is essential during a deep tissue session.

60 Minutes / $115

90 Minutes / $150


Myofascial Release

At 3 Circle Wellness, we are trained in John F Barnes Myofascial Release (MFR).

MFR is a safe, gentle, hands on treatment that targets restrictions in the fascial connective tissue. This is done through the use of sustained pressure and stretching into the fascial restrictions. MFR is never forced. Forced “healing” does not last. Your therapist will use just enough pressure to allow your body to release what it’s holding on to in it’s own time.

No oils or lotions will be used during this treatment, and you will remain clothed throughout the duration of the treatment - be sure to bring shorts and a sports bra. A quick visual assessment will be done at the beginning of each treatment session to identify fascial restrictions.

45 Minutes / $95

60 Minutes / $115

90 Minutes / $150


Himalayan Salt Stones

Himalayan Salt Stone therapy is not only super relaxing, it’s incredibly effective at releasing muscle tension and pain without a straight elbow to the back. The heat from the stones penetrates into the muscle and promotes a quicker relaxation response. This creates more pliability and greater access to the deeper layers of the muscles, allowing for deep work without pain. The 84 naturally occurring minerals and salts within the stones have their own benefits. They help to:

  • alkalize the skin

  • replenish and nourish the skin and body

  • lightly exfoliate the skin

  • balance and neutralize the ill effects of the toxic frequencies we live with every day.

When this treatment is over, you will leave feeling balanced, relaxed, and more spacious, without feeling beat up.

60 Minutes / $115

90 Minutes / $150


Massage Bundles

Save $50 by purchasing a therapeutic massage bundle that includes 5 massages. These are available in 60 and 90 minute sessions. To purchase a bundle, please contact Monica at 3 Circle Wellness by calling 804.288.3200 or emailing hello@3circlewellness.com.


Massage Bundles are only available for our Therapeutic Massage service.

60 Minutes / $425

5 Massage Sessions

90 Minutes / $600

5 Massage Sessions